Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pictures of Studio - Kiln, Walker Pug Mill, and Current Works


Good Afternoon. A very rainy weekend here in the Twin Cities.

Here's a cool night picture of the kiln near Cone 10 (2345 degrees F). For me, it is very reminiscent of the scene from Home Alone where Kevin goes downstairs and the furnace awakens . . . yes, I watch Home Alone quite frequently, actually!

The following picture is greenware that is still drying, and will be bisqued in the next few days. A donut shaped bottle is in the background, which I've thrown as a double walled vessel with 1 hump of clay, and the rest of the pictures are olive oil bottles and dishes, along with spoon rests for the kitchen in the foreground.

Here are some nice sized past plates. I love pasta, especially homemade penne putanessca and penne rossa.

Pilgrim bottles. Store your liquid detergents for the dishwasher, and give your kitchen style! I got this idea from Ron Philbeck, a potter in North Carolina. He has a very nice blog, and I urge you to check it out if you have a few minutes ( I'm currently working on smaller ones for handsoap.

Here is a picture of a finished olive oil bottle with dipping dish for olive oil. I usually like the olive oil with a bit of fresh ground pepper and a pinch of salt, and of course a freshly baked baguette for dipping.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to my Blog!


My name is Brandon, and I'm a pottery artist in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

I plan on posting to this Blog quite frequently. My aim is to write about what I'm working on in the studio, upcoming events and life happenings. I hope you will check in when you can.